Freediving at Salaya

Picking the Right Shutter Speed in No Time
February 11, 2018
Salaya Beach Houses, an inclusive resort
February 14, 2018
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Last weekend we had the pleasure of welcoming the accomplished freediver Tomaž Jereb and his students for a freediving course at Salaya Beach Houses. Tomaž’ has many years of experience in teaching freediving, and is a very animated and fun speaker to listen to during his freediving theory presentations. His personal bests are a breath hold of over eight minutes (!) and constant weight dives to below 90 meters (!!). This is certainly a man who can teach you a lot about the art of tank-less diving. Tomaž teaches according to the Pure Apnea system.

The course involved yoga, breathing and breath-holding exercises on dry land, lectures on the physiology of breath-hold diving, and practice in the pool and in the ocean. A big focus of the course is on freediving safety. As in scuba diving, it’s very important in freediving to always dive with a buddy, in case you need hep in an emergency.


The theory of freediving is truly fascinating: once submerged and holding your breath, your body goes through changes in a way which are common to all mammals. This “mammalian diving reflex” optimizes your body’s functioning for your time away from breathable air.

At Salya Beach Houses we have all the staff & infrastructure to make a good freediving course great, including our in-house yoga teacher Laura (who also participated in the course), a spacious yoga room, a large pool and easy beach access to dive sites deep enough for the first series of freediving courses.

We will get Tomaž back later this year for another course – contact us if you are interested!


Underwater Videographer

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