Sidemount, is it suitable for recreational diving? Part 1

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Primer for the Beginning Videographer
September 25, 2016
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Sidemount Diving

Part 1

When you say: Sidemount diving, people tend to think of tech diving, multiple cylinders and dark places. In the 90’s you would be right to think that. Who would have thought in the 70’s that you would be able to surf down a snowy mountain. Nowadays snowboarding is as mainstream as skiing. Sidemount diving originated with cave divers, the reason was they could penetrate restrictions with greater ease by not having all their tanks on their back. It also allows the diver to carry cylinders one at a time vs. hauling heavy and extremely awkward doubles around. In recent years cave divers have applied the benefits cave configuration to non-overhead environment diving. It has a few benefits, and slowly but surely it is making its way to mainstream/ recreational diving. So what are the benefits of diving in a sidemount configuration?
To be continued - in the meantime, click here to find out more about PADI Sidemount and Tec Rec Courses in the Philippines.
Underwater Videographer

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