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Primer for the Beginning Videographer
September 25, 2016
January 14, 2018
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girl in yoga clothes doing a seated forward bend pose

Yoga Is For Everyone

The word ‘yoga’ means ‘unity’ or ‘oneness.’ Yoga incorporates postures, breathing techniques, deep relaxation, and meditation. It works on all aspects of the person with wholistic benefits aiming to achieve a balanced well-being. Add to that a luxury resort and you get your dream yoga retreat vacation. Rather than getting mixed up in the abstract concepts of yoga, I simply want to emphasize that Yoga is for everybody! & Yoga is for every body.

I have heard a lot of misconceptions about yoga over the years, number one being “I can’t do yoga, I’m not flexible enough.” This mindset can obviously make one reluctant to even attempt to practice. But you do not need to be the most flexible person in the room, nor should that be what drives you. There are beginner yoga retreats that can help you adjust.

Yoga is not about who can hold a pose the longest or how far you can stretch. Just leave your ego at the door. One of the best aspects of yoga is that there is a variation for every pose—a way to modify each one to benefit your unique body and ability. It doesn’t have to be expensive either. Affordable yoga retreats are offered among select wellness spas and resorts.

Yoga is all about YOU. Simply, all one needs is an open mind and a curiosity to get to know one’s self better. This journey of self-exploration can start by just incorporating a series of yoga poses into a daily practice, even just a few minutes out of the day is a great jumping off point, and it can leave you feeling strong, focused, and energized.

One of our yoga inspirations Jessa Myn is releasing a book next spring entitled Every Body Yoga: Let Go of Fear, Get on the Mat, Love your Body. Check out her website for some amazing self-love inspiration.

Enquire about Yoga retreats in the Philippines
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